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Argentinian President Dissolves Undersecretary Of Protection Against Gender Violence

Image of Argentinian PresidentJavier Milei with other Argentinian government officials in suits.

CW: This article discusses gender violence.

Isabelle Shaw 

On 6th June, Argentina’s President Javier Milei dissolved the Undersecretary of Protection Against Gender Violence in his government. 

On 7th June, Claudia Barcia, the head of the undersecretary, resigned. Following this, a post from Filo News was released on X that said the department would be dissolved. All its powers will be transferred to the Ministry of Human Capital, led by Mariano Cúneo Libarona, the Minister of Justice.

Libarona faced controversy in January of this year for supporting the Omnibus bill (Decree of Necessity and Urgency), as it undermined the democratic constitution.


Many Argentinians believe this news is a great loss, as the department oversaw the Acompañar programme, which economically supports organisations to reduce violence against Argentinian women and members of the LGBTQIA+ community. It also manages the 144 emergency hotline to protect women, which aims to reduce the number of femicides.

Image courtesy of Canal libre de Violencia on Flickr. No changes made to this image. Image license found here.

Milei’s decision is alarming to many feminist organisations as gender violence continues to rise in Argentina. Feminist organisation #NiUnaMenos [Not One Woman Less] released data revealing one woman is killed every 30 hours in Argentina.

Verónica Gago, the leader of #NiUnaMenos, has exposed the catastrophic consequence of this decision for women, telling the Guardian the President “is dismantling the last resource against gender violence in public policy…and he is punishing women again.”

“Many health workers to refuse patients’ abortions despite being legalised in 2020″

On 11th June, feminists, workers and social organisations organised by the Asociación Trabajadores del Estado [Association of State Workers] protested in front of Congress to oppose this recent decision.


Feminist groups have already expressed their fear of Milei’s anti-feminist policies after his actions in December 2023, replacing the Ministry of Women, gender and Diversity with the gender violence department (that has since been dissolved) and banning gender-inclusive language. 

The Argentinian President also recently visited a school and told its pupils that abortion was “aggravated murder”, causing many health workers to refuse patients’ abortions despite being legalised in 2020. However, in February, Milei’s government presented motions to re-criminalise abortion. 


Featured image courtesy of Embajada de EEUU en Argentina on Flickr. No changes made to this image. Image license found here.

Isabelle is a student at the University of Edinburgh studying History and Spanish. She is an aspiring journalist with a focus on writing articles that help contribute to change and understanding of women's rights.

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