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Spreading Awareness on Femicides and Injustices of Women in Mexico.

TW: This article discusses femicides and murder.

Femicide rates are constantly rising in Mexico, as well as the injustices of women worsening by the day. Why does awareness need to spread right now? Because we fear it is only going to intensify for women as gender-based killings continue with no punishments.

What Exactly are Femicides?

Femicides are the murder of a woman, in particular by a man solely on account of a female’s gender. They are typically preceded by constant abuses, whether that be physical, sexual or emotional: femicides are on the increase throughout Mexico.

Between 2018-2019, femicide rates increased by 10% in Mexico alone. This most extreme form of gender-based violence occurs 10 times a day on average.

Across the globe, 66,000 women are victims to gender-based killings, which also accounts for 17% of homicides.

These statistics are heart-breaking and from a distance we can do little to prevent them from rising.

Injustices on International Women’s Day in Mexico

On the 8th of March, Mexican women were met with tear gas instead of appreciation, whilst trying to fight for freedom in their own residence.

“We Need to Spread Awareness.”

In protest to the rising femicide rates, women dedicated the movement for those lost to gender-based killings.

Names were written across the government’s barricaded walls as a tribute to the 66,000 women. Yet, they were still ignored and taken as a joke.

We Need to Spread Awareness.

Florence Pugh has been a key activist who’s used her Instagram platform of 2.2 million to spread awareness.

The leading actress has revealed a series of heart-breaking messages she’s received from Mexican women in a recent dedicated story.

‘Our presidents and political leaders are not interested in the problem and instead of facing up to eradicating violence against women they decide to ignore it. They say the whole movement is something invented by opposition politicians, when it has nothing to do with it’

We should continue to use our platforms, like Florence Pugh, to represent to wider society the rising rate of femicides.

Charlotte Smith

Featured image courtesy of UN Women on Flickr. Image license found here. No changes were made to this image.

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