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Falling For Christmas: A Hallmark Netflix Holiday Cliche

Michelle Almeida

A spoilt, redhead hotel heiress. A charming single father suffering from financial loss and a Christmas past. A narcissistic boyfriend. Giggling girls decked in Christmas woollies. Snow in November, and a man dressed up in red, sporting a snowy white beard, who makes Christmas wishes come true by playing matchmaker.

Falling For Christmas is a classic, formulaic Netflix-mass movie – the only standout element being Lindsay Lohan playing Sierra Belmont for her return to Hollywood.

The Plot

Directed by Janeen Damian, Falling For Christmas centres around a pampered hotel heiress who visits Atmosphere, her father’s rather-posh ski resort. She’s accompanied by her social-media-crazed boyfriend Tad Fairchild (George Young). Sierra anticipates that her father’s plans to make her Vice President will reroute her overindulgent life of champagne, caviar, and fashion into something more productive.

Here comes the plot twist. Sierra is proposed to atop a snowy mountain. Just as she agrees to be Tad’s fiancé, they both fall off. She’s left passed out with a concussion, and he gets stranded in a remote glacial forest.

“we watch Sierra transform from a spoiled princess into a self-sufficient woman”

Fortunately for Sierra, she is rescued by Jake Russell (Chord Overstreet). He takes her to a local clinic, where she’s diagnosed with severe amnesia. Jake, being the charming man he is, offers to look after Sierra at his humble family inn, which was gifted to him by the family of his late wife. Here, we’re introduced to his compassionate mother-in-law Alejandra (Alejandra Flores) and constantly-giggling daughter Avy (Olivia Perez).

From thereon, Falling For Christmas narrates through snippets of everyone’s lives. We see Sierra’s father and employees on a search hunt. We follow Tad as he tries to navigate his way home but repeatedly finds himself in disastrous yet funny scenarios. Meanwhile, we watch Sierra transform from a spoiled princess into a self-sufficient woman who finally learns how to make her own bed.

The feature also briefly touches upon Jake’s past, including his late wife and the reasons why he is still hanging onto his failing inn. Jake’s vulnerability and history inspire Sierra to help the family fix the inn before it has to shut down.

Throughout the movie, we see plenty of character growth. Everyone is dealing with complex emotions of grief and pride, alongside figuring out how to navigate the complications of Sierra’s amnesia and Jake’s business collapse.

“Lohan effortlessly brings out her humorous wit”

The chemistry between Sierra and Jake is palpable and vulnerable yet comical. Lohan effortlessly brings out her humorous wit in the movie. From struggling to unclog the toilet to falling off a Barcalounger, she portrays Sierra’s journey with ease.

Humour also shines through Tad’s misery throughout the movie. His desperate approach to social media and delivery of dialogue at all the wrong times are components that really bring the film to life. This and the background music work together to give out some classic, upbeat holiday charm.

Falling For Lindsay Lohan

The movie is a ‘holiday special cocktail’ of romance, magic cliches, matchmaking, heartbreak, comedy, and personal growth, all directed on a set where the Christmas decorations are blown out of proportion.

“the best part is a small yet iconic homage paid to Mean Girls”

Let’s be honest, if you’re going to click on this movie, it’s probably because you want to see Lindsay Lohan back on your screen, creating her rom-com magic. Despite the mediocre plot and an unnecessary twist at the end, Lohan delivers a remarkable performance using a whole lot of range.

In my opinion, the best part is a small yet iconic homage paid to Mean Girls. Lohan once again sings parts of Jingle Bell Rock in a scene that will bring out a knowing smile on a lot of faces.

The Bottom Line

While the movie does try to bring out some festive spirit, it doesn’t do anything over the top like previous low-budget Christmas movies like The Princess Switch or A Christmas Prince.

“predictable drama, magical matchmaking, a vibrant Christmas backdrop, a warm family, and even warmer chemistry”

Falling For Christmas is a movie for those who just want to cosy up on a lazy weekend and indulge themselves in a cheesy holiday romance. It might even have the makings of a comfort Hallmark Christmas film that people can’t help but go back to every year.

If you’re a hopeless romantic who enjoys some predictable drama, magical matchmaking, a vibrant Christmas backdrop, a warm family, and even warmer chemistry, then this is a movie for you.

Even if this isn’t your cup of hot chocolate, you’ll still enjoy Lindsay Lohan back on screen almost a decade later.

If that still doesn’t charm you, I can guarantee it’ll at least give you some Christmas decor inspiration just in time for the holiday season.

Featured image courtesy of Brett Sayles via Pexels. Image license found here. No changes were made to this image.

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