In September, I started going to the gym for the first time in years, and it was the best decision I’d made all year. I lost half a stone, felt healthier, happier and overall it increased my feelings of productivity. Before lockdown hit, I was going 3-4 times a week, so when the gyms closed, I felt worried. What if I couldn’t motivate myself again? Would I fall back into old habits?
Remembering how good exercise made me feel, I was determined not to let that happen. But whilst I started off just going on runs, that soon got boring the further into lockdown we went, and I looked for more exciting ventures, turning of course to YouTube videos. I’ve spent the last few months trying out many different types, and thought I’d share my top four with you!
THE BEGINNER – Andrea Orbeck for POPSUGAR Fitness

Before I researched any options, I turned to the only fitness video I could remember. I attended an all-girls high school, and whenever our P.E. Teacher couldn’t be bothered to teach us, she would stick on this ‘Victoria’s Secret Model Workout: 10-minute Fat-Blasting Circuit’ by Andrea Orbeck, and it is a great video to get you started. You do not need any equipment, and the exercises are all manageable and well-explained. Andrea talks a lot throughout the exercises, which is really friendly and makes the time fly faster. She also provides lots of encouraging words and offers advice on how to make each move easier, so this video is well-suited to beginners.
The video is 8 years old, so yes, it is dated, but it feels nostalgic and is often comical. Words such as “tush” and “booty” make me feel like I’m in ‘Legally Blonde’! Andrea is also full of quirky comments, for example stating “the Queen is coming, we’re gonna get nice and courteous” as you go into the curtsy lunge. However, some are very questionable, such as when she suggests doing the plié lunge at the bus stop—I’m not sure that will go down too well outside L.A.!
Andrea has other videos in collaboration with POPSUAGR, however, they do require either hand weights or resistance bands. I generally find them all fairly easy-going, meaning they are perfect for when you want to exercise but your energy levels just aren’t so high. I know there are many more modern fitness ‘Youtubers’ out there, but Andrea’s videos remain my guilty pleasure!

I found out about Chloe Ting from a friend who had just finished one of her programmes and recommended it vigorously. But my friend’s recommendation came with a warning—it’s hard, like really hard. Having sporadically tried other exercise videos, I was excited to challenge myself to a committed programme—and it certainly has been a challenge. I have completed Chloe’s 2 Weeks Shred Challenge, which consisted of 10 days of exercise, varying from 25-50 minute sessions, and 2 rest days. Each day involves a general ‘fat-shredding’ workout, followed by an ab workout, whilst three other exercise videos come and go throughout the programme. As if the first ab video was not enough, there is an extra 11-line ab workout; I found this near-on impossible the first time I attempted it, but I improved immensely. There is also a core and arms exercise which is really great if you don’t own any dumbbells. And finally, I found the lower body burn exercise the most fun, but I have always been stronger on my lower body, so you may disagree! Although the 2 Weeks Shred Challenge is the only programme I have completed, Chloe has many other programmes available, varying in length, with many focusing on specific body parts. I am currently halfway through her toned arm exercise programme, and it’s proving just as enjoyable yet challenging.
“Whilst I have noticed a visual toning, I completed her programmes for a sense of achievement more than anything!”
Chloe mainly talks in between exercises only, so her lack of constant encouragement and general natter may not be to everyone’s tastes. Plus, as it is a programme with repeated videos, you may get tired of hearing the same music over and over. However, one of the standout things about Chloe’s programmes are the female community she creates around them, and she starts each video with some real girl power inspiration. It is apt that my friend recommended her, as the online discussions surrounding Chloe’s workouts are so popular. But word to the wise—do not obsess over the insane weight loss stories you may see, they aren’t always realistic, and whilst I have noticed a visual toning, I completed her programmes for a sense of achievement more than anything!
THE FUN ONE – The Studio by Jamie Kinkeade

“Jamie herself is a fun and energetic instructor who perfectly manages to keep you motivated, and she offers really positive body messages too.”
As much as I enjoy exercise, sometimes it can become exceedingly boring, so Jamie’s videos offered the fun twist I needed. They consist of high-intensity cardio exercises made slightly more manageable by combining fitness with dance: I am a girl who loves a night out so I’ve been missing this opportunity to dance as well! Jamie’s videos exercise to popular songs, with each move fitting into the backing music. Jamie herself is a fun and energetic instructor who perfectly manages to keep you motivated, and she offers really positive body messages too.
The videos vary in difficulty, some make you sweat without even realising it, whilst the hardest video I’ve completed is the 15-minute HIIT Dance Cardio Burner. In this, Jamie is joined by Cami who leads the session and trust me, she pushes you to your absolute limit! The moves are all fast and they barely take breaks, so I had to pause it 3 or 4 times to catch my breath, but this is a particularly great video for fitting in a lot of exercise into a short period of time.
There are also individual exercise videos for singular songs, so have a look and pick your favourites. I have completed a few of them and they are great after a longer exercise, when you still feel like you have 4 minutes left in you. Ultimately Jamie offers a way of making high intensity exercise feel less like a chore, and instead something far more exhilarating.
THE CALMING EXERCISE – Pilates and Yoga with Katja

Usually when I’m home from university, I attend weekly Pilates classes with my mum. The body stretch, flexibility and general calming influence Pilates brings is second to none, so I was hugely disappointed that classes wouldn’t be continuing for the foreseeable future. But Pilates and Yoga with Katja perfectly fits the Pilates sized hole in my life, in fact it offers far more variant moves than I ever had in a real class.
I would recommend starting with the half hour beginners session to see what level you are at. Personally, I found it too easy, so moved on to other videos, but you may find it is the perfect level for you to repeat! I mainly do the 30- or 45-minute full body workout, however some of the moves are quite advanced so don’t worry if you can’t do them all. There are also other Pilates videos targeted to specific areas (I am major fan of the arm one, and it’s easy to do at your desk!) Katja has a really calm voice and she explains each move perfectly, even highlighting the little mistakes you may find yourself doing. She does use equipment in some of her videos but you can swap an exercise ball for a chair/table, or a resistance ribbon for a towel. Overall Katja offers very calming exercise videos: there’s no music so you can really focus on your breathing, and becoming in tune with your body. Her videos are ultimately great to start your morning or to end the day!
Although there are rumours of gyms opening again soon, I don’t see how that’s possible or feasible as of yet, so in the meantime, I hope this blog has provided you with some other inspiration to keep you going!
Aimee Seddon
Featured image courtesy of Pxfuel.