Lucy Tombs

It’s that time of year when thousands of graduates enter the workplace with hopes and dreams of financial and professional success. Although entering the workplace is exciting, it can also be a daunting and unfamiliar task. If you are exploring a new career path this year and want to get ahead, then look no further! These healthy habits can go a long way and may help you get ahead of the competition in your journey to developing a new profession.

Get up early 

It’s a known saying that the early bid gets the worm. Well, the same is true for young professionals! Getting up a couple of hours earlier allows you to tackle your day with far fewer distractions and thus greatly enhances your organisational skills. This will be a worthy asset in the workplace and will also permit you to have personal time outside of the workplace. You might use this extra time to get ahead on work, take some exercise or simply employ some self-care.

Ensure exercise is incorporated into your routine 

Exercise has a multitude of benefits for your body and your mind. We know that working out has a variety of benefits for your personal life, but we frequently overlook the impact it can have on your professional one! Studies have shown that exercise is an excellent way to clear your head and enhance motivation. With all that extra motivation and drive you will feel more capable of tackling your daily tasks. 

Practise journaling and planning 

Taking just 10 minutes in your day to journal can hugely increase your productivity. By planning your day, routines and making important to-do lists, you can improve your organisational skills. These skills will be a massive help in the workplace and enable you to produce high quality projects. Journalling, can also be a brilliant way to practise mindfulness and gratitude. Journaling your emotions, reflections and thoughts is a great form of manifestation. Having dedicated quiet time has also been notably linked to stress reduction and this will hugely benefit your career.

Prioritise down time and sleep 

Some of the most successful individuals swear by getting an early night as a gateway to achievement. In fact, Albert Einstein was known to get at least 10 hours of sleep per night. Rest is clearly a key step to achieving career success. Studies have even shown that those who consider themselves “good sleepers” earn 16% more than “poor sleepers”. The rejuvenation that work provides for our nervous system and mental health allows us to be more focused and alert in the day.

Think like the boss or customer 

Before undertaking any task in the workplace, it is important to keep customer needs at the forefront of your mind. Alternatively, if your job is less customer oriented then ensure you remember the qualities and criteria your boss is searching for. Approaching your work from this standpoint will allow you to remove your own bias and produce the best quality work for the task. 

Practise frugality 

Being frugal does not necessarily mean being stingy. The quality of being frugal means you minimise waste and maximise efficiency. This is an important life skill to hone as it will allow you to manage your finances in a cost-effective, economic manner. This skill may not directly affect your career; however, it will allow you to make effectual, organized decisions in the workplace.  

Read and expand your mind culturally 

Reading is an excellent activity to improve your brain connectivity, as well as enhancing your comprehension and vocabulary. These skills will all come in handy in the workplace and ultimately, may make the difference between you and a fellow job candidate. Many famous entrepreneurs are known for reading regularly, including Bill Gates, Elon Musk and Oprah Winfrey. Why not follow in their footsteps and pick up a new book? 

Listen and accept feedback from others 

Whilst it can be easy to become defensive when someone critiques your work, it is important to recognise that, when entering the workplace, you are not the professional. Listen to and take in any advice given to you by those who are established in your desired field. Furthermore, be an active listener and ensure that you reflect on this feedback and put it into action. Showing your employer that you care about their feedback and are willing to improve and change is a valuable asset. It may make the difference between an adequate and an outstanding piece of work. 

Featured image courtesy of Leon via Unsplash. Image license found here. No changes have been made to this image. 

I am an English & American studies graduate from the University of Nottingham. I am extremely passionate about the written word and believe writing is one of the best ways to maintain honest and open communication between human beings! I aim to convey this in my writing as I enjoy writing candid pieces focussing on lifestyle and wellbeing content.

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