Beth Rush

There are many reasons to renovate your house, whether for a new look or to boost your mood. Spending time in your home should be relaxing and rejuvenating. If it’s stealing your energy, it might be time to reevaluate your space.

It has been proven that remodelling your home can benefit your mental health and make you more productive. Here is the correlation between home renovations and your mood. 

Starting the Project

Starting the project is the most significant step you can take. Try creating a mood board beforehand to get your ideas flowing and a preview of what it may look like in real life. Procrastination can drain you since it constantly comes up in the back of your mind.

If you just start the project, it can change your mood and reduce any anxiety about putting it off. Start sorting out your ideas to allow the task to flow naturally.

Benefits of Home Renovation

Renovating your house can significantly improve your comfort levels in any area you decide to fix up. Being in a space you enjoy can do wonders for your mood. Here are some of the many benefits your renovation can provide for your life.

1. Reduce Psychological Conditions

Some renovations involve changes that directly contribute to mood change. Whether it is more natural light coming in or decluttering, it can lower stress levels and reduce the risk of other health conditions like depression and anxiety.

Natural light is known to improve mood. It can do wonders for mental and emotional health, so adding windows is an excellent consideration if you want a more extensive renovation. Being in a space with natural light has been linked to better sleep and an improved sense of well-being. Participants in the study also lowered their risk of long-term depression and some were able to reduce their antidepressant usage.

2. Create Safe Zones 

Your house may have lots of traffic with the rest of your family. Give yourself room to breathe by creating a space to calm you down and allow you the alone time you need. Common features that make a calm environment are arched ceilings, soft lighting and open-air rooms.

If you redesign an office, making it a calm, safe zone is a great way to improve productivity. Adding plants along with natural light will make your space bearable to be in for the whole day. Having a cluttered, dark and plain room will bring you down while trying to get your work done.

3. Promote the Power of Colour Psychology

Colours can have a massive effect on how you feel in an environment. You can implement different shades in many ways, like on walls, furniture and decorations. If you want to change the feel of your room, consider floor colour psychology.

When you consider the colour of your floor, think about the room size you have. Light colours make the space feel larger and open, while dark floors are more cosy and intimate. Red, yellow and orange tones feel warm, while blues, greens and purples create a tranquil and cool energy.

The renovated room’s purpose will determine which way you would like to go with the colour psychology. You can also add area rugs to make a space feel more inviting. Here are some colour options to consider depending on the vibe you are going for:

  • Blue: This colour is often used for relaxation. It could be great to incorporate in a meditation room or bedroom.
  • Orange: Orange represents communication and lowering your inhibitions. An orange throw rug or hued hardwood might be excellent in a living room or game room.
  • Red: The colour red is known for boosting energy and appetite. You can use red oak wood in a dining room or kitchen.
  • Green: Green brings peace to an environment since it represents nature. Use green in the bathroom or workspace to enhance relaxation in stressful situations or during a moment of pampering.
  • Purple: Include purple in your living room since it signifies luxury and sophistication.
  • Yellow: Tones of yellow lead to feelings of energy and happiness. You can try natural cork flooring or add touches to your gym or children’s play areas.

4. Better Physical Health

When was the last time you got your home inspected? People generally spend most of their time indoors, so living in a clean and healthy environment is essential to your health. You may not even realize some of the areas in your home could be a risk for potential health issues.

An example of a space in your home that could hurt your health is leaking showers and cracked grout. This can lead to mould, which contributes to health issues. It can lead to respiratory problems and allergic reactions such as sneezing, coughing, runny nose, and itchy eyes.

Another way remodelling can help is by adjusting small things for safety needs. You can make simple changes like lever handles if you suffer from wrist pain or non-slip surfaces to prevent accidents for you and visitors.

5. Improve Relationships

If you live with your significant other, you may fall into the same patterns for your everyday routine. Sometimes you both need a change to spice up your life from the norm. If you aren’t looking to go on a vacation, you can remodel your home together.

Working on a project together could help you feel closer to each other and build communication whilst you spend time together. Depending on what it is, you can even get kids involved in the project. It’s best to make everyone feel included in a renovation project since it can take a lot of time.

6. Encourage Positive Feelings

All the negative concerns you felt from getting started or organizing the project will disappear after everything is finished. Seeing and using the final product can make you feel a sense of accomplishment and pride for your creation. Creating something new gives you a fresh perspective on your home and room.

When your home looks good, you feel good. Think about the areas you spend most of your time in, and how you can elevate the experience and mood you feel while using the space.

Photo by Sidekix Media on Unsplash. Image license can be found here. No changes were made to this image. 

Beth is the Managing Editor and content manager at Body+Mind. She is a well-respected writer in the personal wellness space and shares knowledge on various topics related to mental health, nutrition, and holistic health. You can find Beth on Twitter @bodymindmag. Subscribe to Body+Mind for more posts by Beth Rush!

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