Royals guard standing beside building

Marie Kouppi

Netflix has firmly established itself as the go-to destination for those seeking a voyeuristic glimpse behind the palace walls. From the critically acclaimed The Crown to the poignant portrayal of Princess Diana’s life in Spencer and intimate insights into Harry and Meghan’s journey, the streaming giant has captured viewers’ imaginations worldwide with its royal offerings.

Netflix is at the forefront of the constantly changing streaming platform environment, and recently, its royal focus has turned to the compelling film Scoop, exploring the contentious Newsnight encounter with Prince Andrew. It occurs alongside flicks like The Crown, Spencer, and Harry & Meghan. But what about the royal family, which keeps enthralling viewers around the globe, and why is there such intense interest?

What about the royal family keeps viewers enthralled despite geography and generational differences? Why is the story of these royals so captivating to watch, with their lavish mansions, tabloid-worthy scandals, and complex web of relationships?

The allure of the royal family lies in its unique blend of tradition and modernity. They can straddle the line between centuries-old customs and contemporary sensibilities. From fairy tale weddings to high-stakes power struggles, the lives of the royals unfold on a global stage, offering a captivating narrative that resonates with audiences seeking escapism and insight. The royal family’s ability to adapt to changing times while still upholding their historical roots adds a layer of intrigue to their public image. This delicate balance between tradition and progress keeps the world captivated by their every move. 

The mystique of monarchy

“The public’s obsession with wealth and celebrity is reflected in Netflix’s fixation on them.”

A fundamental interest about the royals’ lives, and opulent ceremonial garb is society’s fascination with them. The monarchy’s wealth and grandeur represent the height of prestige and embody a timeless grace. Constantly celebrated and scrutinised, they are the live embodiment of a centuries-old institution. The world will continue watching and analysing every move they make.

Their every action is closely followed and dissected, from their public appearances to their personal relationships, making them a source of endless fascination for many. The royal family’s influence and impact on society undeniably shape cultural norms and traditions for future generations. 

That said, the attraction of royalty goes beyond simple display; it appeals to a more profound curiosity about privilege, power, and the human condition. Human emotions, including love, loss, ambition and betrayal, strike a deeply emotional chord with viewers. With their hardships and victories, the royals take on universal themes of sacrifice, accountability and identity, making them likeable figures. The public’s obsession with wealth and celebrity is reflected in Netflix’s fixation on them. Their dramatic and seductive lifestyles have drawn attention and adoration from people worldwide, providing a tempting glimpse into a world of wealth and power.

Challenges and Controversies

The royals are navigating an increasingly unstable environment where every mistake is accentuated, and every setback is closely examined”

As audiences continue to flock to royal dramas, questions arise about the morality of glamorizing an establishment rife with power and snobbery. In an age of increasing calls for diversity and inclusion, there is a growing need for stories that reflect the complexities of modern life rather than perpetuating outdated stereotypes and narratives.

Furthermore, the royal family has not been exempt from the difficulties of the modern era, with demands for increased privacy and independence coming from the constant media scrutiny. The royals are navigating an increasingly unstable environment where every mistake is accentuated, and every setback is closely examined as the lines between their private and public lives become more hazy.

Escapism and entertainment

In the world of monarchy, where privilege, power and humanity all meld together”

The appeal of monarchy hasn’t faded despite these difficulties, providing viewers with a little reprieve from the disorder and unpredictability of the contemporary world. The extravagance and spectacle of royal life offer a consoling haven in a world where dreams still come true to a populace that yearns for stability and security.

It’s important to consider critically the narratives we consume and the messages they represent about society and ourselves as we lose ourselves in the drama and intrigue of royal life. In the world of monarchy, where privilege, power and humanity all meld together, the distinctions between fact and imagination grow increasingly hazy. 

Scoop shows how fascinated people continue to be with the royal family. It inspires a more in-depth examination of the intricate relationship between privilege, power and humanity that characterises the monarchy world as viewers around the globe anxiously anticipate its broadcast. Scoop gives viewers a tantalising peek into a realm where fairy tales continue to sway despite growing doubt by depicting the drama and intrigue of royal life. 

That being said, we can all continue exploring the fascinating world of royal dramas, but let us do so with an open, analytical mind and a critical eye, aware of the subtleties and contradictions that lie beneath the surface. 


Featured image courtesy of Roméo on Pexels. No changes were made to this image. Image license found here.

Marie, the Cypriot Instagram editor of Empoword Journalism✨ Currently a teacher but silently crying about my PhD about ‘British Morals and their Impact on Societal Censorship in Arts!

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