Beth Williams

A newly-released image of Boris Johnson seemingly raising a toast at a lockdown party has led to fresh claims that the PM has deliberately misled the House of Commons.

ITV have published an image showing Boris Johnson surrounded by glasses and bottles of wine at an event believed to have taken place on November 13, 2020, when such gatherings were banned. It is believed that the image was taken at the leaving party of outgoing director of communications, Lee Cain. While the MET Police have confirmed that fines have been handed out for that event, Boris Johnson did not receive one.

Has the PM Misled Parliament?

The image comes five months after Boris Johnson denied claims that an event took place on this date. On December 8th, Labour MP Catherine West asked Boris Johnson in the House of Commons whether a party took place in Downing Street on November 13 2020.

The prime minister replied: “No. But I’m sure that, whatever happened, the guidance was followed and the rules were followed at all times”.

Following the publication of Sue Grey’s report, Johnson maintains that he thought he was abiding by the rules when he told so to Parliament.

“Tory MPs are conflicted over whether Boris Johnson can and should continue as Prime Minister.”

Boris Johnson already faces an enquiry surrounding whether he misled Parliament when he claimed that no rules were broken. Under the government’s own guidelines, ministers who deliberately misled Parliament are expected to resign.

Tory MPs are conflicted over whether Boris Johnson can and should continue as Prime Minister. While former Scottish conservative leader Ruth Davison believes Johnson should resign after the lie, Transport Secretary Grant Shapps believes that the presence of the PM’s ministerial red box in the image proves that Johnson was “probably on his way through”.

The Met’s Investigation

The MET police concluded their investigation of Partygate last week. 126 fines were given to 83 people over events held on eight dates between May 2020 and April 2021. Boris and his wife, Carrie Johnson received one fine each in relation to a party on the prime minister’s birthday in June 2020.

Chancellor Rishi Sunak also received a fine for that gathering. The release of the November 13 image has only strengthened allegations that the MET have not adequately investigated partygate.

“Junior staff are also said to be furious as they seem to have received the majority of the fines for gatherings that senior staff were also present at.”

Additionally, the police failed to send Johnson questionnaires surrounding four of the six gathering he attended, and only fined him for one. Junior staff are also said to be furious as they seem to have received the majority of the fines for gatherings that senior staff were also present at.

As a result, London Mayor Sadiq Khan has asked the police for a “detailed explanation” of how it decided who to fine during the investigation. The Liberal Democrats have themselves written to the Independent Office for Police Conduct, asking it to investigate the Met’s handling of the partygate probe.

Sue Gray’s Report

As the MET’s own investigation has concluded, Sue Grey has begun to compile her own report. While the police investigated eight events, Sue Gray’s initially report referred to 16 gatherings in Downing Street and the Cabinet Office.

However, questions have been raised surrounding the report’s impartiality as it’s emerged that Grey met up with Boris Johnson in order to discuss it. Downing Street has confirmed that the meeting was instigated by No.10, not by Gray.

They claim that the meeting took place to discuss the timeline of the report’s publication. Sue Gray’s report was published on 25 May.

Image Courtesy of Number 10 via Flickr. Image license found here. No changes were made to this image.

Originally from North Wales, Beth is a third year English and Journalism student at Cardiff University. As well as a contributor, Beth is the editor-in-chief of "Gair Rhydd", her university's newspaper. When she isn't writing, you'll find her reading, cooking or on a (very slow) run.

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