Megan Geall
If you are experiencing the same feelings as me, or are trying to get ahead of the “new year, new me” fitness trends, read below to discover my five essential tips for staying fit and healthy throughout winter.
1. Nourish/Fuel Your Body Correctly
Prioritise fruits and vegetables in your diet, even if they’re hidden, for example, blended into pasta sauces, in soups or as a side to your normal dish. It is so important to get all the goodness from fruits and veg. Always aim for your five a day as fruit and vegetables are high in many vitamins and minerals including vitamin C, which is crucial in the fight against colds and flu.
Try starting your day with a bowl of porridge. Oats release energy slowly so will keep you full until lunch. Top it with a big handful of berries, apple or banana for vitamin C, then finish with a dollop of peanut butter, nuts or seeds for some healthy fats.
2. Keep Your Body Active
Keep your body active to maintain or even increase your fitness levels. Gentle cardio, strength training, yoga or dance workouts are some of the endless number ways to get your body moving. Not only will these increase your cardiovascular fitness, reducing your risk of serious health problems like heart disease, but the endorphins release stimulated by working out will also increase your mood.
A healthy, active body makes for a happy mind. With winter often affecting many people’s moods, getting active or joining a class may be the perfect excuse to get out the house, get active, and socialise. The motivation may be difficult but the exercise endorphins will be worth it!
3. Give Your Body Extra TLC
With less daylight hours and more illnesses going around, it can be extremely difficult to stay healthy and stick to a regime. During this time of year, we can struggle to get the right vitamins in our bodies to stay healthy and fight off any germs. Try taking a multivitamin or immune support supplement every morning to give you that extra boos. These can come in one tablet or as a chewable gummy.
It is also important to supplement vitamin D which keeps your bones, teeth, and muscles healthy. With short daylight hours, most of us will struggle to get the right amount of vitamin D as we are not exposed to the sun long enough.
Another tip is adding fish (especially tuna, mackerel or salmon) and cheese or eggs to your diet. These foods are high in both vitamin D and vitamin B12, which contributes to the healthy functioning of your immune system as well as reducing tiredness. If you’re vegan, try taking a B12 supplement instead so you don’t miss out on the extra TLC!
4. Protect Your Body
In order to maintain a good diet and exercise regime, you must protect your body throughout winter.
If you’re training outside or going for a walk, make sure you layer up and keep yourself warm. Remember to always wash your hands when you get home as well as before touching your face and eating. Carry a bottle of hand sanitiser with you and apply after being in public spaces such as on public transport.
Make sure you prioritise sleep and recovery. Whether you’ve had a busy day at university, in the office, or you’ve done a long training session, your body needs a good seven to nine hours sleep to rest and recover. If your body becomes rundown, you’ll be more susceptible to illness and won’t be able to maintain your healthy regime.
5. Motivate Your Body
No one wants to get up when it’s dark to start the day, let alone exercise. The key to staying motivated is using little tips and tricks to encourage your body to stay active.
First up, join a class at your local gym. Many gyms run HIIT classes, Zumba, ab blasts and many more group exercise activities. Signing yourself up or going with a friend could be the encouragement you need to stick to your regime as it’s not left entirely to your motivation alone.

Another handy tip is laying out your gym wear in advance. Pick your outfit the night before or if you prefer to workout in the evening, take your gym wear to work or university and go to the gym on the way home. With your gym wear in your eyesight, your mind is more likely to feel prepared about sticking to your fitness commitment!
If you really can’t face going to the gym, my final tip is simply to get those steps in! Wrap up warm, put your earphones in, listen to your favourite artist or podcast and enjoy a nice walk. Appreciate the autumnal leaves or the winter sun, all while keeping your body fit and healthy.
Featured image courtesy of Fil Mazzarino on Unsplash. Image license found here. No changes were made to this image.