Stephanie Penney

With the darker evenings now well and truly upon us, with the leaves turning golden and the temperature falling, now is the time to snuggle up in front of the fire. After a long day, sometimes all you want to do is to come home, pop the kettle on and curl up under a warm blanket, so here are a few things to make your ultimate cosy night in even more comforting.

1. A Decadent Hot Chocolate

It can only be the best hot chocolate, so grab yourself a tub of Cadbury’s or your favourite decadent brand, you can even make your own with melted chocolate or chocolate milk! Top with giant marshmallows and a flake or some grated milk chocolate. If you drink and want to make an evening of it, add a splash of Baileys or Cointreau to warm yourself up! Or, you could try to make your own rich Italian hot chocolate, following this recipe.

2. A Movie To Get Lost In

It can be whatever genre you want – pick a movie that you love or one you’ve been meaning to see for ages but never had time to watch.

3. A Cosy, Fluffy Jumper

You know the one. It hides in the back of your wardrobe in spring and summer, waiting patiently for the cold snap to begin so that you can whip it out again, pull it over your head and hug it tight.

4. Light Up The Night With Fairy Lights

Forget the main light in your room that glares in every direction, opt for something softer and cosier. Fairy lights are the way forward; they can be bought cheaply online or in pretty much any shop or garden centre at this time of year. Hang them around the room to make the area feel just a little bit more magical.

5. Make Your House Smell Like Freshly Baked Cookies…

…or cinnamon, or pine trees, the list is endless! A few scented tea lights dotted around the room can give you just enough light and fill the air with your favourite smells.

6. Cuddly Cushions

You can’t have the ultimate cosy night in without being super comfortable. Grab a few large scatter cushions, lay back and sink into them.

7. Something To Flick Through

We all need to escape from our screens now and again. Grab a couple of magazines or a new book on your way home from work and snuggle on in for a new adventure.

8. Feast Away

You need some treats to hand for the evening. Think popcorn, chocolate, crisps, or even some homemade breadsticks if you’re feeling fancy.

9. Serene Sounds

Add some background noise to your evening – Spotify is brilliant for this as you can use the radio function and discover a new song or artist you haven’t heard before.

10. Cosy Company

It could be your partner, best friend, sibling, or parents – having someone to share your cosy night with can make it so much more enjoyable. Invite your whole group of friends over, or snuggle up with your furry companion.
Featured image courtesy of Alisa Anton via Unsplash. Image license found here. No changes were made to this image.

Trainee journalist, freelance writer and social policy graduate, based in beautiful North Wales.

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