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Welcome To Let Me Sexplain!

Amelia Hopkinson

Let Me Sexplain is the new Empoword Journalism column focusing on all the sex education that you should have learnt at school, but didn’t. And my goodness, there’s a lot of it!

Hello and welcome to Let Me Sexplain!

I’m Amelia, a recent Journalism graduate with a passion for all things sexual health and mental health. I am also a queer woman who feels that the very limited sex education that was given throughout my time at school was not aimed at people like me. I had to learn so many things the hard way — at times, I felt like my body was broken because it wasn’t working in the way that I had been taught it should.

Now, at 22, I have listened to so many podcasts, read so many blogs, and educated myself through social media accounts to discover more about my sexuality and learn how to build a healthy relationship with my body and sex.

This newfound knowledge should have been brought to my attention when I was younger. But there is still a powerful stigma surrounding conversations about sex and pleasure. This stigma has led to many feeling embarrassed discussing their sex lives with their friends, speaking to professionals about issues they have with their bodies, or asking for support when things don’t feel quite right.

This column aims to be the safe space where all this changes!

We will be discussing various topics within sex education, and I am hoping to answer some of the questions that you may have pondered as you’ve navigated all the wild feelings that come with understanding your own sexual health.

It’s time to get talking and learning! I’m looking forward to embarking on this journey with you.

Featured image courtesy of Malvestida via Unsplash. No changes have been made to this image. Image license found here

Amelia is a Lifestyle editor and a columnist at Empoword, with a passion for feature writing and social media. Some topics that she loves speaking about are mental health awareness, sex education and LGBTQ+ rights.

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